Monday, April 09, 2007

Earl's Bob

Adding Fractions

To add fractions you first have to find the lowest common denomenater. But if they already have common denomenaters you do not have to do this step. Then you add the numerators up. Then you add up the denomenaters. If the numerater is larger than the denomenater then you have to turn it into a mixed fraction. Make sure you reduce the answer if you can. See examples on how to add fractions.

Ex.1) 3/4 + 3/86/8 + 3/8= 9/8= 1 and 1/8

Ex.2) 3/4 + 1/4= 4/4= 1 whole

Adding Mixed Fractions

To add fractions you first have to find the lowest common denomenater. But if they already have common denomenaters you do not have to do this step. Then you add the numerators up. Then you add up the denomenaters. If the numerater is larger than the denomenater then you have to turn it into a mixed fraction. The last thing you have is you have to add up the whole number. Make sure you reduce the answer if you can. See examples on how to add mixed fractions.

Ex.1) 3 and 1/4 + 4 and 2/4= 7 and 3/4

Ex.2) 2 and 3/4 + 6 1/8= 8 and 7/83/4 would become 6/8 and 1/8 stays 1/8

Subtracting Fractions

To subtract fractions you fist have to find the lowest common denomenater. But if they already have common denomenater yoou do not have to do this step. Then you subtract the numerators. Then you subtract the denomenaters. If the munerater is larger than the denomenater you have to turn the it into a mixed fraction. Make sure you reduce the answer if you can. See examples on how to subtract fractions.

Ex.1) 3/4 - 2/4 = 1/4Ex.2) 3/4 - 1/8=6/8 - 1/8= 5/8

Subtracting Mixed fractions

To subtract fractions you fist have to find the lowest common denomenater. But if they already have common denomenater yoou do not have to do this step. Then you subtract the numerators. Then you subtract the denomenaters. If the munerater is larger than the denomenater you have to turn the it into a mixed fraction.Last you have to subtract the whole numbers. Make sure you reduce the answer if you can. See examples on how to subtract fractions.

Ex.1) 3 and 3/4 - 2 and 2/4 = 1 and 1/4

Ex.2) 4 and 2/4 - 2 and 1/4 = 2 and 1/4

Multiplying Fractions

To muitiply fractions you first have to mulitiply the 2 numeraters toughter. Than you muitiplt the 2 denomenaters toughter. When you multiply you do not find the lowest common denomenater. if you can reduce the fraction then reduce it. in the following example you will see how to multiply fractions.

Ex.1) 2/3 x 3/5= 2x3=6 3x5=15= 6/15= 2/5

Find the common denomenater

To find the common denomenater you have to follow the following steps. First you find the lowest number that both of the denomenaters can both fit into. Then say you have 3 as your denomenater and you want to change it into 6 you have to times it by 2 so if the numerater is 2 you have to times it by 2. so the fraction will now be 4/6. if it is reducable you have to reduce it. So 4/6 will become 2/3. See examples for an idea on how to do it.

Ex.1) 2/3 and 1/2 so it will change to 4/6 and 3/6the lowest common denomenater will be 6.

Ex.2) 1/3 and 1/4 so it will change to 4/12 and 3/12the lowest common denomenater will be 12.

Reducing your answer

To reduce your answer you have to make sure both you numerater and you denomenater divide by the same number. So the first step is you have to find a number that divides between both numbers. Then you reduce them. See example on how to do this.

Ex.1) 2/4 = both of them are dividable by 2 so the answer is 1/2

Ex.2) 6/8 = both of them are dividable by 2 so the answer is 3/4

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