Sunday, March 11, 2007

mixed fraction to improper Scribe

Definition for improper
  • nominators is bigger then the denominator

  • there is no decimals

  • the numerator is the part and denominator is the whole


To find mixed number to improper fraction

example 4 5/7

  1. first you want to x 7 x 5 = 35
  2. then you want to add 35 + 4 = 39
  3. the answer is 39/7

To find improper fraction to a mixed number

example 8/28

  1. first you have to find how many times 8 goes into 28 = 3 = 3 x 8= 24
  2. now you have to subtract 28 from 24 and you will get 4
  3. now you leave 8 as the denominator then you will have 3 24/4

If i was not suppose to do mixed fraction then tell me and i will take it out

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