Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Probability Homework !

E-50 #4

If you flip a coin 150 times, about how many times would you expect to get heads?

The theoretecial probability of getting a head if you flip a coin 150 times is 50%.When you look at a coin how many sides are there or how many total possible outcome are there?


Two right? A head and a tail! For example when you flip a coin once, you have a 50% chance it is a head and a 50% chance it is a tail. It is the same when you flip it 150 times, you still have a 50% chance of getting a head and 50% chance on getting a tail! Then divide 150 by 2 what is the answer? 75 is the answer!

REMEMBER: Show your answer in a percent or a fraction!

So to get the percent, you divide 75(number of heads) by 150(total possible outcome) and then multiply the quotient by 100 and that gives you 50%.

Fraction: Simplify
THE NUMBER OF HEADS -------> 75 or 1

TOTAL POSSIBLE OUTCOME ---->150 or 2 or 75 in 150

The letters a, e, i, o, u, and y are vowels. If one letter of the alphabet is chosen at random, what is the probability it is a vowel.

The theoretical probability of choosing a vowel if you pick a letter of the alphabet randomlu is 23.077%. To start of how many letters are in the alphabet or how many total possible outcome are there?

As you can see above, there are 26 letters in the alphabet and in this case there are 6 vowels which are a , e, i, o, u, and y. So the probability of choosing a vowel is 6/26.

REMEMBER: Show your answer in a percent or a fraction!

So to get the percent, you divide 6(number of vowels) by 26 (total possible outcome) and then multiply the quotient by 100 and that gives you 23.077%

THE NUMBER OF HEADS ---------> 6 or 3
TOTAL POSSIBLE OUTCOME ---->26 or 13 or 6 in 26

If you randomly pick a date in April, how many equally likely outcomes are there?

I only have on question for you! How many days are there in April?


There are 30 days right? Yes ! Maybe you're wondering why I asked you how many days are there in April. It is because the total amount of days in April is the total possible outcome so the answer is 30 outcomes.


A magician asks you to pick a card, any card, from a standard deck of 52 cards. What is the probability of picking an ace?

The theoretical probability of choosing an ace from a standard deck of 52 cards is 7.692%. How many cards are in one group(e.g. spades, hearts, diamond, flower)?

There are 13 cards in each groupd 13 in hearts, 13 in spades, 13 in diamond and 13 in flower. In each groupd there are only 1 Ace and there are 4 grooups so you multiply 4 by 1 it equals to 4 so the answer is 4 in 52.

REMEMBER: Show your answer in a percent or a fraction!

So to get the percent, you divide 4(number of Ace) by 52(total possible outcome) and then multiply the quotient by 100 and that gives you 7.692%.

THE NUMBER OF HEADS ---------> 4 or 1
or 4 in 52

My question:

A magician asks you to pick a card, any card, from a standard deck of 52 cards. What is the probability of picking a king, a queen and an ace?

Others might make some errors such as when changing fractions to percent they might accidentally press x 10 in their calculator instead of x 100, they might miscount the total possible outcome, they might forget to simplify and more. You could prevent that especially on tests by checking your answer twice.


Probability Game

Krystina Yso, KIm Thanh Vo and I invented a game called probability game. To play this game you need bears and an 8 sided dice. The rule is that only a maximum of 4 people can play. The youngest get to choose a bear first and the oldest get to roll the dice first. Each player can move their bear one step forward if they roll a 1,2,3 or 4 and if they roll a 5,6,7 or 8 they have to go back one step but there are some obstacles so be careful.

When you land on an apple, you get to roll again.
When you land on a bus, you get to go ahead 3 steps.
When you land on a stop sign, you miss a turn.
When you land on an occupied square you have to go a step behind them.
When you land on a white space, you have to pick a card and follow what it says.

It would be fair because everyone gets a turn, everyone gets to choose a bear and everyone has a 50% chance of moving a step forward and a 50% chance of moving a step backward. It would be fun because 1st prize gets 3 chocolates, 2nd prize gets 2 chocolate, 3rd prize gets 1 chocolate.

Here's what the game looks like:


Mr. H said...

I am speechless. THis is a great post. I am proud to be able to teach you. Wait till you see what you get to do next.

Mr. H

Kilik said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!